Yesterday marked the launch of the world’s first-ever GLOW-in-the-dark CBD bath bomb! Created for a Hallowellness experience, GLOW delivers self-care plus fun just in time for Soaking Season.

Get to know our GLOW CBD bath bomb with a little Q&A with Kush Queen founder, Olivia Alexander.  

How did the Kush Queen GLOW CBD Bath Bomb get developed?

Olivia: Halloween is our favorite holiday of the year! Since this Halloween won’t be like any before, we thought, what better way to celebrate than with a bathing experience that GLOWS. Put on your glow-in-the-dark wig or glow makeup, and have fun with Kush Queen’s bath bombs that quite literally light up the room and offer targeted relief for pain or relaxation.

We know Kush Queen does a ton of research and testing. Who was the first person to test out GLOW?

Olivia: I’m always the first tester! Since day one I have been the KQ guinea pig for new products. Product development is one of my all-time favorite projects and once we started the GLOW CBD bath bomb brainstorming session, I could not wait for the first batch to be ready.

Kush Queen GLOW CBD bath bomb in the tub.

Now we have to ask, how was your first glow-in-the-dark test bath experience?

Olivia: No lie, as soon as I dropped the bath bomb in and turned off the lights, I screamed--LOL! After seeing how good the glow was I hopped in and took a couple of photos to share with our team.

It’s so exciting to see an idea come to life! Just like our first Halloween limited-edition CBD bath bomb, Black Magic, when the formula hits all the right elements and creates a moody moment that we know customers will love, it is very exciting!

Is GLOW more of a wellness moment or a fun spooky night in vibe? 

Olivia: 100% both! That's the one thing I love the most about our CBD bath bombs, they create a fun self-care moment. I say go all-in on the spooky vibes, put on a Halloween playlist, bring out any other neon or glow-in-the-dark items you have at home, and soak in the Hallowellness! 

The GLOW bath bomb uses our best-selling Relieve essential oil formula which includes Clove, Birch, Rosemary, Coriander, Black Pepper, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Spearmint, and Camphor to create a full-body topical application aimed at easing sore muscles and releasing tension. Combined with 200mg of CBD, GLOW is all treat and no tricks for the body! 

Kush Queen GLOW CBD Bath Bomb dissolving in a hand.

What does the KQ community need to know about GLOW?

Olivia: This CBD bath bomb needs light charging to perform best. Your GLOW bath bomb has been in a dark box while traveling to you. Most likely it has lost its charge. Exposure to direct UV light, fluorescent light, or sunlight for one hour will get it primed to glow!

Just like all Kush Queen CBD bath bombs, GLOW is non-toxic, cruelty-free and lab tested.  


Join us in celebrating Hallowellness, shop the limited-edition GLOW 200mg CBD bath bomb!


Shop Kush Queen's GLOW CBD Bath Bomb